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Students and teachers at the Duanvale Primary SChool, Trelawny are a shower of rain away from experiencing the flow of running waters in the taps at this educational institution.

With funding provided by the European Budget Support Programme (EUBSP), the North Cockpit Country Local Forest Management Committee (NCC LFMC) has sought to make the dream of running water come true for the primary school.

Committee members have worked assiduously to build a firm concrete stand for the housing of a tank while also installing pipes for an effective water harvesting system on the school compound.

This is just one way the NCC LFMC is strengthening its reputation as an active community group, implementing practical and sustainable projects for all.

In the Bag!

Under the watchful eyes and gentle encouragement of Eunice McNish, a trained seamstress and member of the South East Cockpit Country Local Forest Management Committee (SECC LFMC) members are engaged twice weekly in the art of tote making.

With scissors in one hand, an eye for selecting the 'right' material and a determined mind, various Committee members, leaned over sewing machines to learn a valuable skill while crafting beautiful and purposeful bags, ranging from grocery bags to beach chic totes.

Completed bags will bear the logo of the Committee and will be used as a marketing tool to promote the SECC LFMC brand. Funding for this craft training has been made possible through funding for the Government of Jamaica made possible under the European Budget Support Programme (EUBSP). The support has propelled the Committee to undertake an eight (8) week Micro Entrepreneur HEART Trust certified course in order to have this venture be a successful community based social enterprise.

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