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For most Jamaicans, the buzz of bees is often met with the instinct to run away. However, in the rural community of Troy, Trelawny, this has been the opposite reaction.

Under the Alternative Livelihood Projects made possible by the European Union's Budget Support Programme for the Forest Sector, the South East Cockpit Country Local Forest Management Committee (LFMC) sought to engage its members in agro-forestry activities, provided training in craft production as well as established an apiary.

For Committee Secretary,  Cassandra Coke, the establishment of the apiary has been a blessing. Armed with the knowledge provided through training facilitated by the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA), Ms. Coke has been leading her fellow members in the management of the group's bees.

As this newly established apiary is also within close proximity to her agro-forestry plot, these bees are expected to aid in naturally pollinating her crops. With the project in  its final stage of completion, Committee members are confident that there will be a sustained buzz at its apiary.

On August 13, 2020, the Dolphin Head Local Forest Management Committee (LMFC) hosted its annual fundraiser at its Kingsvale, Hanover location. This fundraiser was in keeping with the Committee's push to increase its ability to expand and enhance its award winning ecotourism venture, for both locals and foreigners alike.


The day's event included the provision of calming massage packages, the opening of a new nature trail and the sale of edible delights, which included vegetarian options. With the various  health and safety mechanisms in place in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, patrons were able to unwind and enjoy the beauty of the Dolphin Head Forest Reserve at their leisure. 

Following the success of the day's event, Committee members are now gearing up to promote its massage parlour alongside its newest trail. Given that LMFC members are already trained and certified by the Tourism Product Development Company Ltd. (TPDCo) as tour guides, the group will be seeking to further partner with the entity to gain training in marketing and promotions.

The day was well supported by a number of  community members and representatives from various government agencies, including the Forestry Department, the Social Development Commission, the Rural Agricultural Development Authority, the Jamaica Constabulary Force and the Jamaica Agricultural Society.

The LMFC says it plans to continue its partnership with these entities  to help ensure a profitable and sustainable business.

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