Forest Trek Group Registration Form

Registration and Payment Instructions:

  • Companies, Government Ministries and Agencies, fitness clubs and other groups may submit a team of no less than 5 persons
  • Persons are required to pay a NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee of:
    • $9,000 (11 years and older) if transportation is required from the car park in Kingston to the start line.
    • $3,000 if transportation is required for children 10 years and younger from the car park in Kingston to the start line.
    • $8,000 per group member (11 years and older) if transportation is required from the car park in Kingston to the start line.
    • $2,600 per child, for children 10 years and younger who are a part of a group and require transportation from the car park in Kingston to the start line.
    • $6,000 (11 years and older) if participants provide their transportation to the start line.
    • $2,000 if transportation is not required for children 10 years and younger to the start line.
  • Transportation provided for Forest Trek departs and returns to the meeting point in Kingston ONLY
  • A team captain should be named, through which and to whom all information relating to the hike will be sent.
  • Participation is open to all age groups, and a group can consist of children and adults.
  • Each team member must complete and submit an Individual Registration Form and a signed Participant Waiver Form and/or Parental Consent Form.
  • The Team Captain must complete and submit this FOREST TREK 2024 Group Registration Form along with all the necessary signed waiver forms to register the Group. The Group registration form may be completed online at
  • Payments may be made using cash, cheque, Debit/Credit Card, or bank transfer (account number will be made available upon request). The Forestry Department accepts Manager’s/Company cheques ONLY, and it should be made payable to the Forestry Department.
  • Payments should be made at the Forestry Department, 173 Constant Spring Road, Kingston 8, Mondays to Thursdays, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm and on Fridays, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
  • Registration closes on Friday, March 1 or as soon as the maximum number of registrants is reached